Monday 17 October 2011

Representation of women in Jennifer's body

The representation of females in Jennifer's body supports and contradicts the male gaze theory. The reasons for it supporting the theory are that Megan fox is shown as a sexual object. Furthermore, she provides visual pleasure for men, this is shown through the clothing.
However, this film contradicts Mulvey's theory by having a female protagonist. Mulvey suggested that protagonists were always male. Another contradiction to Mulvey's theory is that the female is shown to be more dominant. Women are shown as a stereotypical blonde girl, however the female protagonist completely contradicts the stereotypical representation of women. I think that a lot of women would also see this film as a film which doesn't involve male gaze, which contradicts Mulvey's theory which suggests that women are also positioned to identify with the male gaze and see through the male eyes.

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