Tuesday 18 October 2011

Planning for production - Icons

Icons used include:
A mask in order to deface the villian and generate greater fear of the unkown. The mask also acts as a second personality to the previous, slightly more sane persona and highlights the murderous cognitive thoughts. 
We're planning on stitching masks. We got inspiration from a film called 'strangers' and a band called 'slipknot'.

Spooky surroundings have been used when filming scenes in the void, graveyard and Angelia's house. Mysterous and un recognisable territoy creates a sence of alarm and the connotation of negative outcomes.

Furthermore we have attempted in generating our own icons by using the form of musical instuments which cycle the reason for revenge as well as becoming a new icon of horror. An example includes, prior to the existance of Jason hockey masks were not associated with horror and after the success of the film hockey maskes have been associated with Jason and therefore murder. 
Here are a few of our icons:

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