Saturday 18 February 2012

Evaluation question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The font of our logo has been kept consistent so that it becomes more recognisable to our target audience; the magazine, poster and trailer all have the same logo. Our magazine uses a different font, the purpose of this is because the magazine is independent from the trailer; the magazine is used to advertise our trailer. The image on our poster is also the last shot that we use, this image is linked to our target audience which is teenagers (mostly boys). We purposefully adehered to mulverys male gaze theory, as we thought it would help promote our trailer. The setting and colours used in our poster are certainly represantative of horror; the setting is in a dark area, which also creates a sense of mystery, but mostly frightens the audience. Also our title is red and black which are the most common used colour of fonts for horror titles. We did consider using iconography in our poster, however we decided that the image of a vulnerable girl would be better for promotion. We did, however, use the main horror iconography in our magazine; a mask. Our unique selling points weren't used effectively in our magazine and poster. Looking back now, maybe we should've used our USP's  more in our poster and magazine, however, we have used a lot of enigma codes, which also effectively intrigue the audience. In our poster, the themes are hinted at through the sub-heading 'If you cant be famous, be infamous' this hints at theme success vs failure. This can be used well to promote our trailer.

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