Saturday 10 September 2011

Looking at other blogs

Film  geek blog - I liked this blog because it uses a variety of different ICT techniques such as:

  • Hyperlinks
  • Images
  • video
  • Comment box
  • Seperate search engine
It also appeals to its target audience by the way it is written e.g "But it's not the opinion of Cap. He lives, breaths, and sleeps Uh-merica." 

Insaland - The main  reason for me liking this blog is that it uses a lot of imges, this, in my opinion always keeps the audience intrigued because they will be wanting to view his blog to see if there are any new updates.  Another thing that i thought was really good about this blog was that it use cross media, i.e facebook, twitter.

Jesshorrormovie - Again another thing that stuck out to me about his blog was the variey of ICT techniques that were used, for me this always makes a good blog. It does not only keep the audience wanting more but it's also very interesting for the audience. 

Football blog - Out of all the blogs that I'm going to be looking at, this one was the worst because it doesnt have much variety of ICT techniques, It's very plain and the user hasnt updated his or her blog in a long time. Bloggers should be updating there blogs on a daily basis.

Music blog - I think this blog is very smart. Firstly, they are using their blog to advertise items that people may want to purchase. Secondly it has a review box on the side which is a very good way of getting other peoples opinions, this ICT technique will help them improve their blog if needed.

Mediablog - This blog is also a bit plain, however this is used in an effective way because on this blog there are discussions on serious issues such as the riots in the UK. These two combinations work very well together and this blogger has managed to take advantage of that.

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