Monday 28 November 2011

Filming day 4

This filming day was a disaster, firstly, we did not have a microphone to use so sound wasn't clear. A maintenance guy kept interrupting us whilst we were in the middle of filming. Finally, we weren't properly focused, so we couldn't get any good footage.

We plan to film on tuesday, we've asked the music department if we would be able to use a drum kit and they agreed.

Poster: draft 1

The band mask

Saturday 26 November 2011

Genre, Ideology, Iconography and Censorship

The BBFC (British Board of Fillm Classification) was founded in 1912. The BBFC is an organisation that is funded by the film industry in the united kingdom.

Looking at their website, I now know that our film have to be a '15' instead of an '18', the main reason for this being that nobody in our group is 18. I know that the use of swear words must be limited. Also sexual references must be minimal along with the use of gore.

Poster flat plan

Filming: Murder scene 3

Our third murder scene took place in the music department at our school. We asked permission for us to be able to film in a music practise room. During this scene one of our actors is killed using a guitar lead. We had to make sure that during this process no neck injuries had occured but it had to be made to look realistic. All in all, filming was successful and we managed to get all the footage we needed.

Organizing our filming

Filming begins at 15:15 on the 23rd November, this is where we as a group have planned to shoot another one of our murder scenes. We have booked my sixth forms assembly hall and the benefits of filming after school hours is there will be a smaller chance of being intrupted and will generate a deeper focus.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Filming day 2 - photos

Filming day 2

Filming day 2 was a re-shoot of our character running away from the killer. In the first shoot our camera was not in focus, therefore our footage was not usable. On this day we learnt from our mistakes from the first day of shooting. Filming took just under an hour.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Filming day 1: pictures

Filming day 1

Today we filmed for the first time. This was an experience to learn from, first of all, quite a few of our shots were not in focus. A few main shots that we needed were out of focus and the camera work was bad. Next time, we're going to make sure that our camera is in focus and go back and look at our footage to make sure that we have what we want. Another thing that didn't go well was our teamwork, altogether I don't think we worked sufficiently as a team. However, we did manage to get quite a few good shots of our second murder scene.

Monday 21 November 2011

Filming: Scenes in the void

Today we went into the void at our school, we managed to film a chase scene. We used a variety of shots within the horror genre so that our audience can identify this. A shot we filmed is a point of view shot, through this shot, the audience can sense the pear and panic through the panting and rush that the character is in. We also have a low angle shot just as the character is about to be killed. This idea came from the film 'Rec'.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Planning for production: Production company

Using earlier research on production companies,  As a team we brainstormed ideas for two of our very own production companies, similar to "New Line Cinema" and "Twisted Pictures",  this is what came up with:

FilmWorks International: Our main film company, the name was created by a fellow group member, the reasons that the title was chosen was because it was very simplistic and expressed the role of the company well.

Supreme Scream: This is our sub-genre production company, inspiration was derived from companies such as "Twisted Pictures" and "Raw Nerve".  This was chosen because it was deemed very clear what genre Supreme Scream represented. 

After selecting the ideal production company titles, I got onto photoshop, where I began constructing logos, this process took less than and hour and required minor tweets here and there, this was the finished product: 

Screen play: Final draft

Screen play: Second draft

Here are our groups improvements on our screen play.

Screen play: First draft

Using a programe called Celtx, me and my group began construction our screenplay.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

How to use the equipment

Before we began shooting, we were taught how to use the best equipment for filming. We were taught how to use the mic and at what angles we should hold it. We were also taught how to focus a camera if we weren't using auto focus. We were also taught why we should use a clapper board. I think the things we were taught today will be very useful information for us when it comes to filming.

Monday 14 November 2011

Production schedule

Before our group began shooting our shots, we made a schedule of when we plan on shooting.

Now that we have sorted out all of our planning, we will begin filming.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Finding a location

Today we went into the void at our school, as a group, we decided that this would be a brilliant place to film a murder scene.

Monday 7 November 2011

Advice about make up effects

On thursday Christine Blundell and Cliff Wallace came to our school to give us advice about using make up in our production. They gave us advice on cheap effective ways to use make up. One example of this was a way of making fake blood by using golden syrup and food colouring. Our group discussed with Christine Blundell what make up would be best to use, since our trailer won't be very gory, we decided that there won't be need for to much make up.

Christine Blundell did the make up for the famous film Sherlock Holmes, she showed us the techniques that she uses whilst doing make up for films. Here is an example (INSERT IMAGE OF ANGELIA'S SCAR).